Mental Health Assessment in South West London
Suffering with mental health problems can very challenging. Some people may experience a pattern in relationships where they consistently have close friendships end whilst others find it difficult to trust others. Not understanding one's own being and related patterns can make it difficult to know what exactly is going on.
Getting a Mental Health Diagnosis
If you have the opportunity to find out what your mental health difficulties are whilst receiving the benefit of an accompanying diagnosis, then you can experience a massive boost in self esteem. Maybe someone's bad memory or shyness was due to them being depressed or due to suffering from autism or ADHD and not because they are inherently defective. Understanding this can pinpoint a suitable direction for treatment.
The difficulty is finding a suitable institution that can diagnose these mental health difficulties. Most clients have to wait a long time before being diagnosed by a clinician.
You can be assessed and receive a diagnosis for difficulties such as AD(H)D, Aspergers, Autism, OCD and more in the South West London area by contacting me here. I will be able to refer you to someone suitable with minimal delay. The clinician will be able to assess you either in person or remotely and most psychologists and psychiatrists that I will refer you for a mental health diagnosis are based in the Richmond, Wimbledon and the general South West London area. All professionals in my referral network have at least ten years of experience.
A diagnosis will enable you to receive further treatment such as medication and in-depth psychological input much quicker and in a more convenient fashion.
The difficulty is finding a suitable institution that can diagnose these mental health difficulties. Most clients have to wait a long time before being diagnosed by a clinician.
You can be assessed and receive a diagnosis for difficulties such as AD(H)D, Aspergers, Autism, OCD and more in the South West London area by contacting me here. I will be able to refer you to someone suitable with minimal delay. The clinician will be able to assess you either in person or remotely and most psychologists and psychiatrists that I will refer you for a mental health diagnosis are based in the Richmond, Wimbledon and the general South West London area. All professionals in my referral network have at least ten years of experience.
A diagnosis will enable you to receive further treatment such as medication and in-depth psychological input much quicker and in a more convenient fashion.
Autism TestingGet connected with an expert to do an autism spectrum screening in order to receive a diagnosis which will allow you to understand yourself better and find a way forward. We can help you deal with issues such as autism spectrum disorder and Asperger's.
You can also be assessed for an autism and adhd commorbidity test. You will also be shown the best way forward after receiving a diagnosis. |
Complete Mental Health AssessmentSend me an enquiry in order to get connected with an expert in South West London or Remote based, who can complete a full mental health assessment. This will help you get a diagnosis for your difficulties, which can be an essential starting point in order to address your mental health.
ADHD AssessmentLiving with attention deficit disorder can be very difficult. Especially if you don't know you have it. Lesser known symptoms of ADD such as short term memory difficulties and black and white thinking can often be seen as inherent within oneself and not part of a mental health problem.
A diagnosis can help people gain self esteem and find a suitable path forward. You can contact me in order to receive an assessment for ADD and ADHD. |
How Would a psychiatrist diagnose?
How a psychiatrist could diagnose someone:
1. Clinical Interview
During a clinical interview a psychiatrist will look out for some things which can include:
Gather Information: Ask about the individual’s current symptoms and the impact these are having on the patient.
Explore History: Explore relevant aspects of someone’s history such as aspects related to mental health.
Understand Context: Discuss family history, a client’s social circumstances and significant life events.
Assess Functioning: How is an individual doing on a day to day basis.
2. Mental Status Examination (MSE)
The psychiatrist conducts a Mental Status Examination. This includes:
Appearance and Behaviour: How an individual presents.
Their emotional state (e.g., depressed, anxious, euphoric) and how it relates to relevant behaviours.
The content of their thoughts (presence of delusions, obsessive thoughts etc.).
Cognitive Functioning: Memory, attention, concentration are assessed.
Insight and Judgment: The individual’s awareness of their condition and their decision making ability.
3. Use of Diagnostic Criteria
Psychiatrists rely on diagnostic manuals. The two most used manuals are called:
The DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition) and the ICD-11 (International Classification of Diseases, 11th Revision).
The psychiatrist matches relevant aspects of a client’s presentation with stuff mentioned in above manuals.
4. Rule Out Physical Causes
Psychiatrists often look to make sure that their issues are not because of common physical causes.
5. Psychological Testing (if needed)
Psychiatrists may use things such as questionnaires in order to gather information.
6. Differential Diagnosis
Psychiatrists look at many possible diagnoses in order to find the right one.
7. Formulating a Diagnosis
After all of this a psychiatrist may be able to form a diagnosis
1. Clinical Interview
During a clinical interview a psychiatrist will look out for some things which can include:
Gather Information: Ask about the individual’s current symptoms and the impact these are having on the patient.
Explore History: Explore relevant aspects of someone’s history such as aspects related to mental health.
Understand Context: Discuss family history, a client’s social circumstances and significant life events.
Assess Functioning: How is an individual doing on a day to day basis.
2. Mental Status Examination (MSE)
The psychiatrist conducts a Mental Status Examination. This includes:
Appearance and Behaviour: How an individual presents.
Their emotional state (e.g., depressed, anxious, euphoric) and how it relates to relevant behaviours.
The content of their thoughts (presence of delusions, obsessive thoughts etc.).
Cognitive Functioning: Memory, attention, concentration are assessed.
Insight and Judgment: The individual’s awareness of their condition and their decision making ability.
3. Use of Diagnostic Criteria
Psychiatrists rely on diagnostic manuals. The two most used manuals are called:
The DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition) and the ICD-11 (International Classification of Diseases, 11th Revision).
The psychiatrist matches relevant aspects of a client’s presentation with stuff mentioned in above manuals.
4. Rule Out Physical Causes
Psychiatrists often look to make sure that their issues are not because of common physical causes.
5. Psychological Testing (if needed)
Psychiatrists may use things such as questionnaires in order to gather information.
6. Differential Diagnosis
Psychiatrists look at many possible diagnoses in order to find the right one.
7. Formulating a Diagnosis
After all of this a psychiatrist may be able to form a diagnosis
You can contact me in order to receive a diagnosis and plan an effective way forward in order to deal with your difficulties quickly and in the most helpful way possible.
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